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Archive for the 'General' Category


Neo @ Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012 ()

I have travelled East to LuoYang and ZhengZhou for the long weekend.
Both cities were in Henan and ZhengZhou is the capital of Henan.
LuoYang was a historical city similar to Xi an filled with dynaties and prehistoric records.  This is also the birth place of traditional pottery glazing method唐三彩。I was truely amazed by the  brilliant idea of […]

31st DEC 2011 Xi’an

Neo @ Saturday, December 31st, 2011 ()

Today is the last day of 2011 with me in Xi An.
Top 3 happening events in Xi An as per followed.  Just My view.
 1.  Opening of the No 2. MRT line –simple and effective. 
2.  2011 Xi’an horticultural Expo — Room for improvement but is still impressive.
3.  Cooling measures by the central government.– Housing price is […]

21 Dec 2011 Xi’an Trip– 《我一生的挑战新加坡双语之路》by Lee Kuan Yew

Neo @ Thursday, December 22nd, 2011 ()

On the 11 hours flight to Xi’an, i read LKY latest book on singapore polices on bilingualism.  The book record his account on the formulation of Singapore bilingualism policy since British colony time to his ‘iron fist’ control of the Ministry of Education to impose this far sighted policy.
Reading this book I felt that this was not his own written word […]

29 Nov Xi’an trip — Hong Kong

Neo @ Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 ()

Hong Kong is my favorite stop over whenever I need more sunlight and a break.
I am here to spent about one week before going back to singapore with my family.
The big contrast against the weather and orderliness relax myself when I was in HK.
Xi an is dirty due to the nearby dessert.  The cars is […]

27 nov –Xi’an –Taoism

Neo @ Sunday, November 27th, 2011 ()

Where I stayed nearby was a taoist temple dedicated to one of the goddess from 八仙’s 韩湘子。Thus the street 湘子庙街 was named.  However, except for few tourist,  few local visited the temple unlike temples in taiwan or SE asia which was always crowded.
I met an elder who revisited this temple for the wrong reason.  He […]

6th Nov. Xi An Trip –Food

Neo @ Sunday, November 6th, 2011 ()

Xi An or northen china food are oily and salty and is 重口味。
漠 or 馒头 is one of their staple food together with noodle and rice.  So far I have no luck whenever i am eatting 漠 as it seem difficult to digest for me.  I have a hard time whenever the local invited me […]

22th Oct Xi’an–s=世园会 2011

Neo @ Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 ()

I managed to catch a glimpse of the International horticultural exposition Xi’an China 2011 before its closure tonight.
From the offical report, this is a huge landscape to be built upon for a period of about 3 years despite 1/3 of the site is the existing lake. 
Most buildings are spectacular for its temporarily status especially the night […]

20th Oct Xi’an trip

Neo @ Thursday, October 20th, 2011 ()

After 3 weeks in singapore. I am back to Xi’an again blogging at changi airport.
My agent informed me to cut down some 9kg to be eligible for my term insurance.
This deep rooted weight problem has surfaced and need to be addressed.  One of the main cause are social meals such as welcoming and farewell meals […]

30 sept Singapore

Neo @ Friday, September 30th, 2011 ()

As china going into mass holiday craze, I returned to singapore for a long holiday.


Neo @ Friday, September 16th, 2011 ()

Finally the much anticipated metro Line 2 is officially open today.
My colleagues and I went for a trial ride.
Interior was well executed except for some minor faulty details.
The train cabin was smaller compared to hk, sg or taiwan’s.  And was shorter too.  Not too good for comfort during peak hours. 
Hopefully this will level Xi An into a modern city state to be […]

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