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Archive for the 'General' Category

12Sept Xi’An — Lan Zhou Trip

Neo @ Monday, September 12th, 2011 ()

I went to Lan Zhou city over the Mid autumn holiday with a friend.
“Lanzhou (simplified Chinese: 兰州; traditional Chinese: 蘭州; pinyin: Lánzhōu; Postal map spelling: Lanchow) is the capital and largest city of Gansu Province in Northwest China” –from wiki.
From the airport, we travelled in the mountain range for about 40 minutes before the city appeared […]

29th Aug Xi An — 大明宫遗址公园

Neo @ Monday, August 29th, 2011 ()

I went to this park last weekend with a friend.
Daming palace is a group of magnificent palace in the Tang dynasty, and it is the art of chinese classical architecture build 1300 years ago.
 this palace occupy an area of 350 hecares about 4.5 times the size of Forbidden City.
 We walked through this modern interpretation of […]

Xi An 19th Apr.

Neo @ Friday, August 19th, 2011 ()

After the one week break, I am back in Xi An. 
Lucky for me I am going to Shan Dong for a company trip.
 I dint expect the temp. to be dropping so soon.  It was raining and the temp drop to 20 degree for the last 2 days. 
Anywhere, I will enjoy the shan dong trip first […]

5th Aug Xi An trip–one week break

Neo @ Friday, August 5th, 2011 ()

As we are waiting for the decision from the shareholder, I returned to Singapore for one week break.
I knew it was a short break but I am really looking forward to it.
Finally I am here at the 咸阳 airport typing this blog entry.
Thinking back, I was wandering why this simple trip exhaust myself within a […]

23rd July Xi An– One month

Neo @ Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 ()

I have been staying in 西安 for a month in the summer.  The place that I stayed is 陕西省西安市南门里湘子庙街16号(南大街进湘子门大牌坊100米路左) .  This is a hostel next to the city wall with 3 condusive courtyards.  One and only conserved traditional chinese residential.
I could have stay in the service apartment offered but I choose here instead as I need […]

Xi An 14 July –reading

Neo @ Thursday, July 14th, 2011 ()

I read back in singapore but I read more when I am in Xi An.
I have just finished 2 interesting books over the last 2 weeks.
One is from a Japanese and the other one from US.
Noweigen forest and Catcher in the rye.
2 are extremely blueish.  But it went down to my heart.
negative + negative = […]

7th July 2011 Xi An. Chinese ‘ness’

Neo @ Thursday, July 7th, 2011 ()

Here I am at the chinese historical center Xi An.  No doubt about it this is the most ‘chinese’ city in China due to the historical references.
 Most tourist would expect everything to be the standard and stereotype of a chinese city.  But my impression of Xi An was really a backward, ill maintained city when […]

3rd July Xi An–华清宫,华清池

Neo @ Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 ()

Friend from singapore came to visit over the weekend. 
We joined a day tour visiting 华清宫 and the army of terra coata.
With the hot sun and the crowds, I managed to pick up further on the 2 distinguish historical figures that popularised this place.  They were resided here with the same space but a different time of about 1000 year.
One is […]

30June Xi An

Neo @ Thursday, June 30th, 2011 ()

I have met some old friends and counterpart in Xi An, they have indeed progress and prospered. 
One of the young colleage has rised to be the partner of the company and salary brought home could amount to 50000 rmb per month.  But he was simply tired as I could tell. 
He was lucky to make it to […]

Xi An 29 June

Neo @ Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 ()

Hot. 39 degree?
I have meetings everyday.  Today meeting is especially different as I have to meet up 30 locals to discuss about the project.  I was quite worried before the meeting as I might not be able to understand the slang and jargons.
To my surprise, I handle it with ease. 
Peoples in the north west are […]

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