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Archive for March, 2007


Neo @ Saturday, March 31st, 2007 ()


123 @ Saturday, March 31st, 2007 ()

 This is a Taiwanese song. The song is one of Taiwanese classical love songs.     夢中的情話
 夢中的情話作詞:黃煜竣/黃揚哲 作曲:趙偉令 
男聲:夢中的情話 啊~是真亦是假  嘸管風雨怎樣底吹 阮猶原嘸甘清醒  夢中叮嚀的話 雖然只有幾句話  乎我溫暖在心底 真想要來用心交陪
*女:夢中的情話 啊~是真不是假   雖然夢境彼呢短 愛你永遠袂反悔   夢中叮嚀的話 山盟海誓一句話   望你謹記在心底 我會用真心來交陪
#男:感謝你對我這坦白 乎我有重新出發的機會 女:初戀的滋味也試過 著乎感情來冷靜徹底 男:只要咱相愛過程美麗 女:就隨緣份安排一切 男:感謝天的成全體會 乎咱有一擺 合:相愛的機會
Repeat *,#
男:感謝你對我這坦白    女:對我這坦白男:乎我有重新出發的機會  女:啊~~~~男:初戀的滋味也試過女:著乎感情來冷靜徹底男:只要咱相愛過程美麗女:就隨緣份安排一切男:感謝天的成全體會 乎咱有一擺合:相愛的機會click  the link bleow, you can hear the song

wordH2O no.5

Neo @ Friday, March 30th, 2007 ()

heart in water.

amazing website

ben @ Friday, March 30th, 2007 ()

you can talking to this website and practice your speaking skill

wordH2O no.4

Neo @ Thursday, March 29th, 2007 ()

flower is 花

How can we upload the pics in the blog of OkEnglish?

123 @ Thursday, March 29th, 2007 ()

 How can we upload pics in the blog of OkEnglish?
press”瀏覽”—>choose the pics where you have saved  in your computer–> upload–>move your mouse on the pic you have uploaded and right click on it—> press “send to editor” .
after sending it into the editor, you can adjust the pics size,too.




Emily @ Thursday, March 29th, 2007 ()

The nxet week i had to travel .this is a happies  thing in my impression .this travel is very important for me,because i was too tired ,no matter body and mind .so it is  morn important .hope i will  obtains relaxes.

why people have men and women ?i don’t understand.i feel i have  a lot of pressure ..

haha,i […]


Neo @ Thursday, March 29th, 2007 ()

laut and 海

hello ~~~~

flower1004 @ Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 ()

I first time to write english sentese in blog.
so I don’t know it is correct or not I wrote~~~
maybe this is a good begining.

crazed for english

ben @ Wednesday, March 28th, 2007 ()

yesterday i told to my manager i want to disband ,because i can’t see the company future , english is my future . i want to learn english well before  graduation.now i need your help.
the manager said : i’ll talk to boss and give you a anser tomorrow.
p.s: study  english is most important things i want to do so […]

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