hi solshy: Yes, time waits no man. Cherish something we have. No matter things how good or bad in our daily life,yes still got to move on. I know it takes time to forget and recover from something. But there are somethings we need to do it in a limited time,not to take time to wait,anyway , go go go . hey, kathy也加油喔(自我鼓勵一下) —————————————— 凡走過必留下痕跡
3/18/2007 @ 6:59 am
hi solshy:
Yes, time waits no man. Cherish something we have. No matter things how good or bad in our daily life,yes still got to move on. I know it takes time to forget and recover from something. But there are somethings we need to do it in a limited time,not to take time to wait,anyway , go go go . hey, kathy也加油喔(自我鼓勵一下)
3/19/2007 @ 6:24 pm
thank u ksthy ,i get it,you always so kind .do u know i’m libra ,sad libra and lonely libra.
it’s the style of my star